Share Google Drive files with Password protection

We are happy to bring the password protection feature to ezTransfer and allow during beta any users to share files from the Drive with a password protection. As usual ezTransfer allow you to share your Dive files securely to anyone on internet but now you can add a second protection layer with password. add password to google drive files shared


How it works ?

It is really simple, in the form you add a password in the options section. Then the password will be requested any time the transfer page will be opened.

enter password to access google drive files

As for page opened and download all password attempts are logged and displayed in your dashboard to track activity on your transfer.

track password attempts on ezTransfer dashboard

How are managed the password ?

Once you have entered the password and you hit the send file(s) button, it is send to our backend server and the password is hashed using SHA256 Algorithm and then stored in our database. That means once emails is sent it is impossible for us to find back the password as it is saved encrypted in the database.

When your contact try to access the files after entering the password we send it to our backend, we hashed it and we compare it with the password encrypted stored. If both values match user can access the file(s) and we log a « password success » if not we log a « password wrong » and password is requested again.

Want to try it, if it is not already done install ezTranfer >>

Then go to your Drive select file(s) and go to « Open with » menu to send files with ezTransfer (help video).

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